Ozone generator

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Yosef Kane asked 6 years ago

How I make money using the ozone  generator?

2 Answers
Team Ozone Staff answered 6 years ago

Dear Yosef,
You make money as with any enterprise, using dedication elbow grease and hard work. There are many avenues. We are launching a National Franchise currently called Oxygreen Solutions. This franchise opportunity allows the franchisees to utilize multiple streams of income or revenue. There are five distinct mini business opportunities available to each franchisee. All Natural Mold Removal, Get Sanitized, Green Crime Scene Clean up, Green Bedbug Removal and All Natural Odor Control Solutions to be succinct. Hope this helps.

Team Ozone Staff answered 6 years ago

Dear Yosef,
You make money as with any enterprise, using dedication elbow grease and hard work. There are many avenues. We are launching a National Franchise currently called Oxygreen Solutions. This franchise opportunity allows the franchisees to utilize multiple streams of income or revenue. There are five distinct mini business opportunities available to each franchisee. All Natural Mold Removal, Get Sanitized, Green Crime Scene Clean up, Green Bedbug Removal and All Natural Odor Control Solutions to be succinct. Hope this helps.

Ozone Science

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