Exterior SIP Panels holding mold

All QuestionsCategory: HousesExterior SIP Panels holding mold
Jaynie Shryer asked 4 years ago

I feel there is mold coming in my house from our SIP exterior panels.Our house is covered in vinyl and is 20 yrs. old. I have noticed a smell in the last couple years when ever I enter that doesn’t go away. Not ripe like mold, but very stale.  I can smell a mildew type smell near electrical outlets and exterior doorways. We bought a bioblaster and ran it thru the duct system for 3 hours as a start with the smell, but that didn’t seem to make a difference at all, still smells.  I am experiencing health issues, I’m so overwhelmed and not sure what to do? Is there someone you could recommend for us to hire in Southwest VA? I feel it’s too big of a job for us as we are close to retirement age etc. I saw your mold DIY, but it seems like a lot to read thru just to begin the process. Could you please advise and or recommend. Thanks so much! 

2 Answers
Team Ozone Staff answered 4 years ago

Dear Overwhelmed,

The issue is a complex one. The SIP panels are often made of two pieces of Oriented Strand Board or OSB with stryofoam in between. This type of wall panel system is notorious for trapping moisture. If the OSB itself becomes compromised then tradtional remediation is the answer. This can be a HUGE project for any homeowner. Possibly the builders insurance policy can be attacked legally. Have you tried running the Bioblaster throughout the entire home including letting it run the gas generated through the air ducts?
I suspect that there is a larger issue than the outlets transmitting the heat/cold.
In service,

Team Ozone Staff answered 4 years ago

Dear Overwhelmed,

The issue is a complex one. The SIP panels are often made of two pieces of Oriented Strand Board or OSB with stryofoam in between. This type of wall panel system is notorious for trapping moisture. If the OSB itself becomes compromised then tradtional remediation is the answer. This can be a HUGE project for any homeowner. Possibly the builders insurance policy can be attacked legally. Have you tried running the Bioblaster throughout the entire home including letting it run the gas generated through the air ducts?
I suspect that there is a larger issue than the outlets transmitting the heat/cold.
In service,

Ozone Science

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