Cologne removal

James asked 8 years ago

my wife broke two full bottles of cologne in my downstairs bathroom and one in the hallway.  I need a way to clean up this smell or damage.  I have bad asthma and this damage has ruined my foyer, bathroom, and hallway.  I have tried to use vinegar, peroxide, baking soda etc with no success. Would an ozone machine help kill the smell n break up the scent.  Please any advice on how to clean up would be appreciated 

1 Answers
Team Ozone Staff answered 8 years ago

Dear James, Ozone will not just \”help\” this situation, it will permanently eliminate it. Ozone will break down nearly all chemicals in 26 reactions or less to CO2 and H2O. See a list of common chemical reactions with zone here:

Ozone Science

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