
John asked 7 years ago

I wanted to know how much to charge in business applications.  Do you charge by square foot, if so, how much per square feet?  I understand it may very from area to area and state to state. I would like just some examples like a gym or a day care, maybe a three bedroom house.  as of right now I have no clue what to charge or how to go about doing it. Thanks. 

1 Answers
Team Ozone Staff answered 7 years ago

Dear John, What you charge is up to you. Around the world our contractors use a variety of pricing schemes. We have some that charge per sq ft and others that use flat rate while others use a sliding scale. The sq ft guys start at around $ 0.12-, $0.15 and go all the way up to $0.50 I would call around the country and play customer, shopping as a preschool owner, gym owner etc. and ask for quotes. This way you can hear directly from successful contractors mouths, what they would charge you for a similar job. Hope this helps. Charlles

Ozone Science

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